I have
copied the following from the White House website regarding the urgency of education, for students and the general public, about
climate change.
A Call to Action to Advance Climate
Education and Literacy
Posted by Laura Petes and Sarah Hubbard on October 22, 2014 at 12:36 PM
America’s students need access to the latest information, knowledge,
and skills in order to be prepared for the jobs of the future. This means
continually ensuring that citizens of all ages have a solid grounding in
science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills that serve as a basis
for discovery, invention, and innovation.
education and literacy are a critical part of this STEM skillset and are
particularly important for building a 21st-century workforce, where
tomorrow’s community leaders, city planners, and entrepreneurs have the
information, knowledge, and training to make sound decisions and grow
businesses in the context of a changing climate.
Much work is
already being done inside and outside of government to increase science-based
understanding and awareness of current and future climate change – through
efforts like the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), climate education
projects supported by NOAA, NSF, NASA, and other Federal agencies, and
community-based programs to make schools, campuses, and businesses more
climate-smart. Leaders are enhancing climate literacy in K-12 classrooms, on
college and university campuses, and in parks and museums across the country.
But still, there is more to do.
That’s why,
over the past few months, the White House Office of Science and Technology
Policy (OSTP) has been exploring opportunities at the intersection of two key
priorities of the Obama Administration: lifting America’s game in STEM
education, and combating climate change.
education requires an “all-hands-on-deck” approach, involving not just the
Federal Government but also the private sector, philanthropists, schools,
colleges and universities, professional societies, non-governmental
organizations, and state, local, and tribal governments. And so – OSTP wants to
hear from YOU about potential commitments, activities, and announcements
underway or in development at your organizations that support the goal of
lifting America’s game in climate education. These may include:
- · Programs and projects to integrate best-available climate science into classrooms and visitor experiences;
- · Tools and resources to connect students, educators, and visitors to climate information;
- · Internships, fellowships, or other hands-on learning opportunities for students of all ages;
- · Events and activities that engage students and educators in local climate solutions;
- · Training opportunities for educators, interpreters, and volunteers;
- · Communities of practice for sharing best practices and lessons learned;
- · Well-designed incentive prizes; and more.
Do the
activities of your school, institution, organization, or company align with the
call to action to enhance climate education and literacy? Send your ideas,
commitments, summaries of your work in this area, or even photos of you, your
students, and colleagues working to enhance climate literacy to ClimateEd@ostp.gov by November 7.
Your input
is critical to building an educated, next-generation American workforce that
grasps the climate-change challenge and is equipped to seek and implement
Petes is the Senior Policy Advisor for Climate Adaptation and Ecosystems at
Hubbard is an OSTP Intern in the Energy & Environment and Science Divisions
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