keep trying to think of ways of conveying to my students the magnitude of our
human impact on the Earth in some form that they can understand. I have my
botany students calculate their annual carbon footprints, and the amount of
carbon dioxide a tree might absorb during a year (based on their actual
estimates of the leaf area of a tree). They are briefly astonished at the
number of trees that it would take to offset their carbon production. I think
this works, but I get the feeling that they just go through the calculations
(which even science majors do incorrectly) and then forget all about it.
me try something new. I don’t know if it will help, but I can give it a try.
I calculated my carbon footprint, using The Nature Conservancy calculator.
Their estimate of my carbon production (31 tons a year) exceeds that of the
average American (27 tons) I suspect mainly because I do a lot of driving, even
though it is with a small car. The world average is 5.5 tons. This is in CO2
equivalents; that is, the CO2 used to manufacture items, grow and
process food, and run power plants.
I calculated the amount of carbon dioxide I breathe out. According to one
online estimate, a person breathes out 350 kilograms of carbon dioxide a year.
This would be about 0.3 metric tons, which is pretty close to English tons.
is, I produce a hundred times as much CO2 by my activities as I do
by breathing. I can therefore try to imagine that, wherever I go, a ghost a
hundred times my size is following me around emitting carbon. That is, a
hundred times my volume; it would be about 4.6 times as tall, as wide, and as
thick. My pet carbon-ghost, chained to me day and night. Maybe a creepy image,
buy possibly one that I can use for myself and for my students. I can have them
calculate their carbon footprints in tons per year, divide by 0.3, and this is
their carbon-ghoul.
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